November 22, 2012


 “A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.”  Lao Tzu

   I have to admit I haven't really been myself over the past month. I suppose the anticipation of the travels down under are pulling at my heart strings. I don't know why I feel such anxiety over this when its all I've wanted for years, but it's definitely affecting me. I have sorta gone into robot mode. Just trucking through my time here to get it to go faster or something.. I really wish I had a job these past few weeks to keep my mind on other things, so at least I know that somewhere inside my brain I do want to work.

   Not long ago, someone who was close to me for years passed away. I hadn't seen her in over a year and never really got a chance to clear the air with her before her passing. Regret is an awful feeling. I like to think that she knew deep down that my intentions were always good and that I did love her even if I didn't agree with her beliefs or actions a lot of the time. She did the best she could as a single mom and I do admire her for that. I only wish the best for her family and loved ones. 

   With the bad news I also got a bit of good news this past week. A close friend of mine will be embarking on a enlightening journey. It couldn't have come at a better time in my opinion. Not only is it right before the mayhem of the holidays but it's also been a long wait to get here. I couldn't be more happy for him and I will be by his side every step of the way. 

   Nine days until I take off to the travels of a lifetime. Mixed feelings have set in.

   Namaste Friends xo